Why Is My Jade Plant Drooping (causes/solutions)

Wondering why is my jade plant drooping, here is the answer. Drooping or yellowing leaves may be a warning sign that your jade plant requires more frequent watering or has been overwatered.
Why Is My Jade Plant Drooping?
If your jade plant has been doing well up until this point, you may need to examine how you are caring for your plant.
Jade plants thrive when they are watered well, but not over-watered. It’s important to allow the soil to dry out before adding more water. If you water your jade plant once a week or every two weeks, this may be the issue.
How to Save Jade Plant From Dying?
If you’re certain the watering isn’t an issue and there are no visible signs of bugs on the leaves, then it could just be that new growth is occurring.
New leaves are often smaller than mature ones and will droop until they are sturdy enough to hold up the plant. This will take about 3-4 weeks.
You can also use humidity trays or plates to help with this; they work by holding water in the bottom of a dish and sit underneath your plants, creating more humidity in the air around them.
If you’re planting in a pot without drainage holes, this is a good way to help prevent over-watering.
Always be careful when adding water to jade plants, as it’s very easy for them to become too wet. When in doubt about how much or how little water your plant needs, you will want to err on the side of less rather than more since these are succulents and they like to be dry and not wet.
How To Prune A Droopy Jade Plant?
You prune a droopy jade plant by removing any dead or dying leaves, as well as parts of the plant that are overgrown. You can also prune off smaller new growth if it’s not sturdy enough to survive on its own.
You do not want to remove too much at one time; instead, you will want to make multiple cuts throughout your droopy jade plant using sharp, sterilized pruning shears.
Removing too much can cause your jade plant to stop growing and you’ll need to wait several months for it to begin producing new leaves again.
When you do make your cuts, it’s important that they are clean. You will want to avoid leaving any torn or ragged edges on the plants when you are finished, as these can cause disease to spread.
When you prune your droopy plant, make the cuts at least 1 inch above a new leaf joint on the stem or branch of your jade plant. This is where new leaves will begin to grow again and you want to make sure that this new growth isn’t removed.
If you have a lot of overgrown parts to cut off, you can trim them back to a point where they have several leaves remaining.
You’ll want to use your pruning shears or clippers for this task, as it’s very easy for these tools to spread diseases from one plant to another. Once your cuts are made, you can apply an herbicide to the area to help prevent the disease from spreading.
If you are unsure how much or how little of your plant you should remove, it’s best to under prune when attempting your DIY jade plant pruning. Many homeowners make mistakes when trying this task on their own and end up ruining their plants as a result.
If your plant doesn’t recover from its pruning, you can always try again after it has had some time to heal.
Many people make the mistake of immediately trying to re-prune their plant when they see that it didn’t spring to life, but this can often cause further damage or kill off even more of the plant.
By performing proper drooping jade plant pruning, you can help ensure that your plant will stay healthy for years to come. Keeping it trimmed up and free of dead foliage will not only make it look better but also keep the plant growing at a healthy rate.
Jade Plant Won’t Stand Up
Your jade plant won’t stand up if it has not been getting enough sunlight. Like most succulents, jades will need more than 5 hours of indirect light.
If they don’t get enough light, they will become etiolated/stretch and will not stand up straight. If you catch the problem early, it can be fixed by putting the plant near a window sill or outside.
However, if it is too late and the plant cannot be saved. Then you can take some cuttings from the stretched plant and propagate new plants.
Why Is My Jade Bonsai Drooping Leaves?
Jade bonsai does well in low light, but it also thrives when given enough sunlight. It will droop and drop its leaves if left in direct sunlight for too long.
Jade bonsai does best when it is not watered very often (For this reason, never leave jade bonsai sitting in water). Excessive watering will cause the plant to lose all of its leaves.
Since these bonsai plants are succulents, they can survive for months without any watering at all. When the plant is watered, it should be abundantly and then allowed to dry out. Overwatering will cause root rot, which can kill a jade bonsai.
You don’t have to worry too much wondering why is my jade plant drooping. This problem happens even to experienced plant owners. Just undertake the care tips mentioned in this post and your jade will be healthy again.
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